Saturday, September 12, 2015

Act in Love

"1 Chronicles 9:1b-10:14

Stop fighting

‘The Philistines fought against Israel … The fighting grew fierce around Saul’ (10:1,3). Saul was attacked by the Philistines and died as a result. We find this account in 1 Samuel 31. However, the writer of Chronicles adds an explanation: ‘Saul died in disobedience, disobedient to God. He didn’t obey God’s words’ (1 Chronicles 10:13, MSG).

As we look back at the book of Samuel we can see that the real problem was that Saul became jealous of David. David can pretty well be considered an innocent party in the matter. He did everything he could to submit to Saul and to be on good terms with him. Saul would have none of it. He was out to get David. This internal dispute weakened Saul and made him vulnerable to an attack from outside.

We see today how internal disputes among the people of God make us vulnerable to attacks from outside. Jesus prayed that we would be one in order that the world would believe (John 17:23).

Lord, we see what terrible damage arguments, disputes and in-fighting does to the church. Help us, as far as it depends on us, to live at peace with everyone. May we always welcome those with different views. Help us always to act in love.

Lord, pour out your Spirit on the church. Unite us around the person of Jesus. May we be one in order that the world will believe."

1. Help me, Lord, to act in love. Thank You for Your daily reminders, guidance, and scolding. Thank You.

2. Mooncake season it is! I am loving this a-bit-costly cake. Thank You for little blessings.

3. This is a chill Saturday for me. I had time to go for my groceries and walk around 6 kilometers in total to and fro my destination. Although some plans were not successful, thank You for the grace that I was able to let go and has forgiven the situation. No big deal. :)