Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Joshua 24:15 We Will Serve The Lord

"John 3:22-36

Choose to serve the Lord

Worshipping and serving God is the way to a fulfilling life. Don’t waste your life chasing after false ‘gods’. As Saint Cyprian wrote, ‘Whatever man prefers to God, that he makes a god to himself.’ There are numerous other gods around today – perhaps the most common could be summed up as ‘money, sex and power’.

Israel had enjoyed a long period of rest after all the battles (23:1). Joshua, ‘a venerable old man’ (v.1, MSG) at the end of his life, called all the people together and spoke to them. He told them that they had to choose how to spend the rest of their lives.

He reminds them of everything that God has done for them and all the ways in which he has blessed them (23:14; 24:10). Now, Joshua urges them to worship the Lord, their God ‘in total commitment’ (v.10b, MSG).

In response to all that the Lord has done for us we are also called ‘to love the Lord’ (23:11), to worship and to serve him. Joshua says, ‘choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve’ (24:15). He lays before the people of God three options that are open to them (vv.14–15).

The gods of their ancestors
The gods of the conquered people
The God of Israel who is the one true God.

The gods of the conquered people claimed to be modern and ‘scientific’ – with true control over agriculture, fertility and sex. The people of Canaan felt themselves intellectually and culturally miles ahead of the Israelites. But Joshua stresses the shortcomings of the ‘other gods’ as against the goodness and the power of God (vv.3–13).
You have to make a choice. You cannot just drift. Many people just drift through life, never making a conscious decision.

Joshua shows a great example of leadership. He makes a deliberate, personal choice to worship and serve the Lord. He says, ‘But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord’ (v.15).

The people answered, ‘We too will serve the Lord, because he is our God’ (vv.18,21,24). Joshua said, ‘You have chosen to serve the Lord’ (v.22). As a result, ‘Israel served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua’ (v.31). Whilst Joshua and the elders – trained presumably by him – were leading Israel, Israel served the Lord. Leadership is key.

Joshua called the people to repentance and faith. This is always what God requires. 
First, repentance: ‘throw away the foreign gods’ (v.23a). Get rid of the bad stuff. 
Second, faith: ‘yield your hearts to the Lord’ (v.23b) – put your whole life into the hands of the Lord.

Lord, help me to make good choices in my life. Help me to say, ‘As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord’ (v.15). I choose to yield my heart to you."

1. Thank You, Lord for Your calmness, Your peace in my heart. I will serve You.

2. Thank You for the opportunity to meet a friend's friend. Amazing how networks work. :)

3. Hallelujah, Lord, for challenges. Help me face them. I pray for courage. Amen.