Saturday, August 08, 2015

Working Together for Unity

"John 17:6-26

The church and the world

The Gospels speak frequently of the prayers of Jesus. But only on rare occasions are we informed at any length of what he prayed for. In this great prayer of Jesus before he goes out to face the cross we see his priorities.

Jesus prays not only for his disciples, but also for those who will believe in the future – that is to say, he prays for the entire church – including you and me (v.20).

First, he prays for your joy. The followers of Jesus are not supposed to be miserable. Jesus prays, ‘that they may have the full measure of my joy within them’ (v.13).

Second, he prays for your protection. Jesus says that he protected his disciples and kept them safe (v.12). Now he prays, ‘protect them from the evil one’ (v.15).

Third, he prays for your sanctification. Jesus prays, ‘Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth’ (v.17). Holiness comes from the truth. The truth is found in God’s word. That is why it is so important to soak yourself in God’s word.

Finally, this prayer is dominated by the theme of unity and love. Jesus prays not only for unity among his disciples (v.11), but also for the church (v.20). He prays for a unity like that which unites the Trinity: ‘that they may be one, as we are one’ (v.11, AMP).

The motive for unity is the great commission of Jesus

Jesus prayed for complete unity so that the world may believe (v.23). I don’t think there is any doubt that one of the greatest barriers to belief is disunity in the church. In politics, the moment a political party becomes disunited, it loses popularity. It happens in the secular world, and even more so in the church. When churches fight each other, people lose interest.

Conversely, when churches do unite it is so attractive. Unity is powerful. Yet it is never easy; it is always a huge challenge.

The means of unity is the Holy Spirit of Jesus

Jesus prays that ‘I myself may be in them’ (v.26). This is the most extraordinary truth of the New Testament – that Jesus comes to live in us by the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit lives in all Christians of whatever church or denomination. The Holy Spirit unites us.

The mark of unity is the love of Jesus

Jesus prays that ‘the love you have for me may be in them’ (v.26). What higher love can you have than the love that God the Father has for Jesus his Son? Jesus’ prayer for you is that the love you have in your heart for other Christians, for other parts of the body of Christ, should be the same love that God the Father has for Jesus.

The measure of unity is the visibility of Jesus

Sometimes people speak about ‘invisible unity’. But Jesus didn’t pray for invisible unity. He didn’t pray that we might be ‘almost united’. He prayed that they may ‘be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me’ (v.23). He wants the church to be completely and visibly united.

Lord, help us to have that same passion to see your church visibly united and the world evangelised. While we wait for that to happen may there be love and unity at every level – in the local church, in the city and in the nation, between different parts of the body of Christ and different denominations. Help us all to work together in love and unity for the evangelisation of the world."

1. "Help us all to work together in love and unity for the evangelisation of the world." Amen! Thank You for showing us what love really means. Thank You for Your love.

2. It was a fantastic day of walking, exploring, bonding, and enjoying the music on the fifty-second floor.

3. Thank You for a one-way ticket to Cambodia.