Saturday, August 22, 2015

Respect For Women Shown

"John 20:10-31


Jesus really was raised from the dead. The tomb really was empty on Easter morning. Jesus’ followers really did meet him alive again. The resurrection did happen. The best historical explanation for the origin of Christianity is that it really is true. Jesus is alive today! As Judah Smith would say, ‘Wow!’

John records four resurrection appearances of Jesus – the first three of which are in this passage. In these appearances we see not only some of the evidence, but also some of the results of the resurrection.

Awe and Amazement

In the culture of the day, a woman’s testimony would not have been considered as weighty as that of a man. If the disciples had been making this up, they would not have devised the first appearance as being to Mary Magdalene.

This shows a huge amount about Jesus’ respect for women. By this act, and others during his life on earth, he laid the foundation for a revolution in the world’s attitude to women. Sadly, it has taken 2,000 years and we are still not there yet.

Jesus does not ask Mary what she is looking for. He asks, ‘Who is it you are you looking for?’ (v.15). It is not enough to know the evidence of the facts of the resurrection. We need a personal encounter with the resurrected Jesus.

The respect goes both ways. In Mary’s case it is one of awe and amazement. As she realised it was Jesus, she cried out in Aramaic, ‘ “Rabboni!” (which means Teacher)’ (v.16), and rushed off to tell the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord!’ (v.18).

The great theologian, C.H. Dodd, wrote of Jesus’ appearance to Mary that it ‘has something indefinably firsthand about it. It stands in any case alone. There is nothing quite like it in the Gospels. Is there anything quite like it in all ancient literature?’ 

Joy and Peace

The world is desperately searching for happiness and peace of mind. The supreme source of joy and peace is a relationship with Jesus.

Jesus’ appearance to the disciples brought them overwhelming joy: ‘The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord’ (v.20). Three times he says to them, ‘Peace be with you!’ (vv.19,21,26).

Faith in Jesus brings joy and peace to all who believe. Jesus said to Thomas, ‘Blessed and happy and to be envied are those who have never seen me and yet have believed and adhered to and trusted and relied on me’ (v.29, AMP)."

1. Thank You, Lord, for emphasizing the respect for women.

2. Thank You for the patience and energy for today.

3. Thank You for an amazing Chili Con Carne, good leg exercise, and a fun, full-of-freebies night with friends.