Monday, June 22, 2015

Strength Comes From God Alone

"John 7:45-8:11

Faith in the midst of chaos

These were desperate times for the people of God. There is a refrain that runs through the book of Judges: ‘In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit’ (17:6). This was a time of chaos.

In these desperate times God raised up Judges like Samson. He led Israel for twenty years (16:31). He was one of the heroes of faith (Hebrews 11:32).

We saw yesterday how he was a man anointed by the Holy Spirit. God used him powerfully. However, he also had a weakness that led to immorality (he spent half the night with a prostitute, Judges 16:1–3) and deception (vv.4–10). Eventually, he pushed God to the limit through his persistent disobedience and ‘the Lord … left him’ (v.20).

Samson received extraordinary strength from God. But it was directly related to his obedience. God had told him not to cut his hair. So long as he obeyed God he would have supernatural strength.

However great a person of God may be, it is vital to remember that strength comes from God alone. Jesus said, ‘Without me you can do nothing’ (John 15:5, NKJV). Never rely on past victories but rather on God who gave them.

After persistent temptation, Samson gave in and told Delilah the secret of his strength – although it must have been obvious to him by then that she would take advantage of him. She cut his hair and his strength was gone.

Not only was the society chaotic, but also Samson reached a point of utter desperation in his own life. He was in captivity, he was blind and his captors were about to make a spectacle of him (Judges 16:21–25).

In the midst of his despair, Samson does not lose his faith in God. He prayed to the Lord: ‘O Sovereign Lord, remember me. O God, please strengthen me just once more’ (v.28). And God heard his prayer. It is amazing that even after all his failures, God still answered Samson’s cry. No matter what the situation, and no matter what we have done, it is never too late to turn back to God."

1. "Lord, thank you that I can find refuge in your presence, and that you always hear my desperate cries for help."

2. Short time to bond may result to a wonderful friendship, I really thank You Lord for this.

3. Hallelujah for having an interesting project.