Sunday, May 24, 2015

Gear Towards Transformation

"John 4:1-26

Cry out to God for good leadership

We live in a disordered and chaotic world – in some ways not very different to the world described in the book of Judges.

Eugene Peterson describes entering the book of Judges as ‘something of a shock’. In it we find a mix of ‘sex and violence, rape and massacre, brutality and deceit … nearly unrelieved mayhem.’ We see how the Israelites failed to get a grip on idolatry and sin when they settled in the Promised Land. Despite God’s warnings, they compromised with the religious and ethical practices of the Canaanites (2:1–2). As a result they become ‘thorns in [their] sides and ... a snare to [them]’ (v.3).

God calls us to be utterly ruthless about the bad stuff in our own lives. God does not want us to compromise with evil. He does not want us simply to cut down the areas of our lives that we know are wrong, but to cut them out completely and ruthlessly.

The people found themselves in a cycle of disobedience, being oppressed by their enemies, then crying out to God for help.

God answered by sending them leaders (judges) who, empowered by the Holy Spirit, delivered them in miraculous ways. He used all kinds of rather unlikely people as leaders – which gives great encouragement to us all.

Lord, forgive me for the times when I have not been ruthless in getting rid of the bad stuff and have compromised with sin.

We cry out to you to raise up good leaders in our city and in our nation. May your name be glorified. May we see the transformation of our society."

1. "Cut the areas of our lives that are wrong completely and ruthlessly." Thank You, Lord, for a strong reminder. This cannot be taken lightly. Thank You for Your mercy. 

2. Hallelujah for open doors to what I can do for You. Please bless this if this is according to Your will. Amen.

3. Praise God for fried chicken, pizza, and spaghetti. Most especially, praise God for fellowship! :)