Monday, May 18, 2015

Cast Your Cares...

"Psalm 55:12-23

Choose trust over worry

‘Worry,’ as Corrie ten Boom wrote, ‘does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.’ No one goes through life without facing problems, battles and causes for worry.

David faced many difficulties in his life. Here David speaks of one of the most painful battles of his life (v.18b). His ‘best friend’ (v.13b, MSG) has turned against him and joined the many who oppose him (v.18c). David, of course, found this more difficult than if ‘an enemy were insulting [him]’ (v.12a), as we all would.

As in any battle, we have a ‘choice’ about how we respond. David chose to turn to the Lord and cry out to him ‘evening, morning and noon’ (vv.16–17). Especially when we are involved in a confrontation with a close friend or family member, it is vital that we turn to God for comfort and strength. David did so and as a result he experienced God’s peace. He wrote, ‘he has redeemed my life in peace from the battle that was against me’ (v.18, AMP).

From David’s own experience he is able to give this advice: ‘Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you’ (v.22a). As I look at my Bible in One Year, I see that each year I have written in the margins the ‘cares’ that I have ‘cast upon the Lord’ in response to this verse. Most of them (though not quite all) have been more than resolved.  

Once we have cast our burdens on the Lord, we can follow David’s example. He says, ‘as for me, I trust in you’ (v.23d).

This is the choice you have to make as you face the worries, battles and disappointments of life. Do you allow them to overwhelm you, or do you, like David, turn to the Lord, cast your burdens on him and then trust in him?

Lord, today I want to bring to you my cares ... I cast all these things on you and trust in you."

1. Truly, O Lord, You bring peace. David really was a good example in all these, thank You so much.

2. Watched an interesting, intense movie in one of HCM's majestic financial towers, with the cheapest price. Praise God!

3. Thank You for a relaxing night by the fountains and lights.