Wednesday, May 27, 2015

You Live Within Me

"John 4:27-42

Thank God for leaders who deliver

There is a recurring pattern that runs throughout the book of Judges, that we first see in this passage:


‘Another generation grew up, who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel … they forsook the Lord … they followed and worshipped various gods of the peoples around them’ (vv.10,12).


God’s response was to allow disaster, so that they might turn back to him: ‘The Lord handed them over … He sold them to their enemies’ (v.14).


This understandably left the people ‘in great distress’ (v.15).


When they got into trouble they cried out to the Lord and he raised up judges ‘who saved them’ (v.16). The word translated ‘judge’ (shophet) has a wide meaning in Hebrew. It can also mean ‘governor’ or ‘deliverer’ – anyone who brings about justice, or sets things right. The first of these deliverers is Othniel. ‘The Spirit of the Lord came upon him’ (3:9–10). 

The Holy Spirit now lives within you (Romans 8:9). He gives you power and wisdom so that you too can make a difference with your life. Othniel was anointed by the Spirit of God, and it was this anointing that enabled him to deliver the people and establish forty years of peace (Judges 3:11).

Once again though, the people slipped into disobedience and disaster (vv.12–14), and cried out to God for a deliverer (v.15).

God delivered the people in a fascinating, if rather unpleasant, way (v.21). Ehud must have been an extremely courageous and brave man to walk right into enemy territory alone, with a sword hidden on him. It was a crazy thing to do – but for the fact that God was with him. And it was remarkably successful. Once again, the land had peace. This time for eighty years (v.30).

God sometimes uses people who are not part of the people of God to deliver his people. Shamgar may have been a Canaanite (see 5:6). He was a powerful man. He ‘struck down six hundred Philistines with an ox-goad. He too saved Israel’ (3:31).

These leaders only brought temporary peace, ‘as long as the judge lived’ (2:18).
All this only foreshadows, in rather a murky and inadequate way, the great work of Jesus, the Saviour of the world. Jesus is the great deliverer. Through his death and resurrection, he has delivered us from the penalty of sin. He delivers us now from the power of sin. One day he will deliver us from the presence of sin.

Lord, I praise and thank you for your great deliverance through my Saviour Jesus Christ. Today, I cry out to you for deliverance (you may like to list some of the troubles, difficulties and fears you are facing now)."

1. Thank You for always reminding me to just trust You. Surrender. Yes, Lord, thank You that You will deliver me.

2. Praise God for direction. May it keep on coming.

3. Thank You for the gift of knowledge and the ability to share and receive.