Friday, June 19, 2015

There Is Light

"John 8:12-30

Shine God’s light in a dark world

Terrorist attacks, widespread abuse of children, genocide in Darfur, the terrible evil of human trafficking, 29.8 million people in slavery. We live in a dark world. But we are not without hope. Light can drive out darkness.

Israel was in a dark period of its history. The people were called to walk in a close relationship with God. The people were meant to live under the direct rule and reign of God as their king. Had they lived like this they would not have needed a human king.
However, they were now living in the worst possible scenario. They were not living under the kingship of the Lord, and did not even have a human king to keep order and restrain the chaos.

These were bleak days. ‘In those days Israel had no king’ (18:1; 19:1). They turned to idol worship (Chapter 18). Then in Chapter 19 we read a terrible account of the worst excesses of a chaotic society. The appalling rape and abuse and dissection of this woman caused everyone who saw it to say, ‘Such a thing has never been seen or done, not since the day the Israelites came up out of Egypt. Think about it! Consider it! Tell us what to do!’ (19:30). This was a time of utter darkness, of life without God.

Terrible as this atrocity was, it is not unique in the history of the world. We only have to open our newspapers to see the appalling atrocities that can happen when a society rejects God and his laws: it descends into utter chaos.

Lt Gen Romeo Dallaire, who was part of the UN mission to Rwanda and witnessed the genocide, was asked how he could still believe in God. He replied: ‘I know there is a God because in Rwanda I shook hands with the devil. I have seen him, I have smelled him and I have touched him. I know the devil exists, and therefore I know that there is a God.’

Today’s Old Testament passage reminds us about how dark a place the world can be without God. Let us return to the New Testament passage for today – which reminds us that Jesus brings light into this dark world.

In a staggering claim, Jesus naturally puts himself in the place of God, and says that he is ‘the light of the world’ (John 8:12). A world without God is a world of darkness. Yet Jesus said, ‘Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’ (John 8:12).

When we turn to Jesus we come out of the darkness of life without God into the light of life with him. Not only that, but as we live with God, seeking to please him, we embody together the ‘light of life’ to bring light into our dark world.

You really can make a difference to the world around you. Your life, in Christ, can shine like light in the spiritual darkness in the world around you.
Lord, help us to be a community that brings your light to a dark world. Help us as individuals and as a church to live with you, to please you and to bring the light of life, love and joy to those around us today."
1. Help me bring the light to this dark world. Thank You for Your grace. Hallelujah!

2. Thank You for patience and understanding, Lord. Just thank You.

3. Praise You for spiritual gifts that I can be of service to others.