Saturday, March 21, 2015

Series of Heart-Warming Events

Today gave me a series of heart-warming moments only God can give.

Today, I met Moses, that man born with cerebral palsy who learnt different sign languages on his own just so he can interact with his deaf friends in spite of his physical condition. Wow, Lord, thank You for bringing Moses to me. =)

I rushed to the association for the deaf around 3 PM to catch my last class only to realize at the end that I was in the wrong class! I crashed into the (Singapore Sign Language) SGSL Workshop and even had group activities with those who were there. I did not have the slightest idea that it was not the class where I am supposed to be in. I just enjoyed sitting there and learning. When they started handing out the feedback form, my eyes widened when I saw the title in the form. Whooops.

In the group activity in the class, I met a 17-year old girl named Yenlin who started asking me how I've got myself inclined to sign language and I told her about how I was inspired by my church in the Philippines through song-signing during worship.

When we were parting, the skies turned suddenly dark and droplets of water began to make the tik-a-tak sound on the ground. Yenlin immediately brought out her umbrella and handed it to me quickly saying that I'd take it because her parents are anyway waiting for her on the other side of the road. I was surprised that she was graciously giving her umbrella to me. She said I made her happy today because of the encouragement she has received to learn sign language. To God be the glory! Then she disappeared into the footbridge while I stood there staring at the dark skies.

I barely made 10 steps when I saw Moses in front of me trying to get a cab for himself. Then I understood that God gave me the umbrella to provide shelter to Moses who was struggling to hail a cab while he uses all his energy left to balance himself using his 4-foot walker. I believe that God did not provide the cab so we could talk more. We ended up walking towards the MRT half an hour later as he shared his story. His condition makes him very tired easily but in spite of all these, he takes care of his mom who recently had a stroke. And spends most of his free time learning the language of the deaf.

Tears began to form at the corner of my eyes as I repeatedly thanked God how much blessed I am to have met people who will constantly remind me that the best gifts from God have already been provided to me. I just have to keep recognizing them and keep having a contented heart. 

Moses is disabled but it did not stop him from making a difference in this world, in fact, his goal is to reach out more especially to the deaf. God is just so amazing! I stand in awe! He uses the most imperfect people to become an excellent example in this cruel world. All glory, honor, and praise to You, Lord. Amen!

Wisdom Is Yours

1. Running kit in, which means I am ready for an early Sunday morning run with the impaired. Interesting!

2. I have breathed it out, please light my path, O, Lord. Thank You for Your Word.

3. Hallelujah for the wisdom that You provide, O, God. Please pour more over to Your servant.


James Russell Lowell wisely observed, "There is no good arguing with the inevitable; the only argument available with an east wind is to put on your overcoat." Although there are times we must learn to intercede, there are other times God simply says "No." We should learn to leave it at that.

Moses wanted desperately to go into the Promised Land. He prayed about this often until one day God reminded Moses that he had been forbidden to enter. God said: Enough of that! Speak no more to Me of this matter. The case was simply closed, and Moses learned to live with that decision (Deuteronomy 3:21-29).

There may be times when we do not like the answers to our prayers. But God is not a genie in a bottle we can conjure up to do our bidding. 

We serve Him; He does not serve us.

Therefore, we cannot expect all our prayers to be answered with a "Yes." The wise believer sincerely believes God knows best. Like Christ, we must learn to pray, "Nevertheless, not what I want, but Your will be done."