Friday, May 22, 2015

The Influence

"Proverbs 11:9-18

Be a blessing to your nation

Your life can have an influence, not only on your own family and local community, but also on your city, and even on the whole nation.

The writer of Proverbs makes the point that how we live as individuals affects not only ourselves, but also the whole society around us – for good or for evil.

On the one hand, ‘when the righteous prosper, the city rejoices’ (v.10). And ‘by the blessing of the influence of the upright and God’s favour [because of them] the city is exalted’ (v.11a, AMP). On the other hand, ‘the mouth of the wicked’ can destroy a city (v.11b). And, ‘for lack of guidance a nation falls’ (v.14).

How then should we live? We are not to slander our neighbours, but rather we are to exercise restraint and hold our tongues (v.12). We are not to gossip but to be trustworthy in keeping secrets (v.13).

We all need wise, godly people around us to provide good advice: ‘Where no wise guidance is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety’ (v.14, AMP). If you have wise counselors consult them often. If you don’t have them, ask God to provide you with such advisers.

We are to be kind-hearted (v.16) and sow righteousness (v.18). If we live like this, the whole city and nation will be affected.

Lord, help me to be a good influence in my city and in my nation. May I be trustworthy, kind-hearted and righteous. May I see my city and nation transformed."

1. "Hold our tongues." Thank You, Lord, for this. May it become a habit within me to remember You before I say anything. Amen.

2. Room-hunting has started. Thank You for providing candidates and for making me safe as I walked around the neighborhood.

3. Thank You for likewise providing help from local friends. I praise You!