Thursday, July 23, 2015

Celebrating success

"John 12:37-13:17

Saul began his reign as king with a honeymoon period. The Spirit of God came upon him in power and he prophesied (10:9–13). God gave him great wisdom in dealing with opposition. He knew when to keep silent (v.27).

Saul soon had to deal with ‘troublemakers’ (v.27). God is in the business of touching human hearts (v.26). But, as always, the Bible is realistic. Troublemakers were around the corner. Wherever God is at work in power we must expect to find troublemakers as well.

When the people of God were facing appalling cruelty from a man who wanted to gouge out the right eye of every person, ‘the Spirit of God came upon [Saul] in power’ (11:6). God gave him a great victory and he had the wisdom to say afterwards, ‘No one shall be put to death today, for this day the Lord has rescued Israel’ (v.13). Instead they held ‘a great celebration’ (v.15).

In Samuel’s farewell speech he spoke of how often God has given success to his people when they cried to him for help (12:8,10–11). He urged them to ‘consider what great things he has done for you’ (v.24). Many of these things came about as a result of Samuel’s prayer and he said, ‘As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you’ (v.23).

We are told to pray for one another – and yet we seldom think of not praying for others as a sin, let alone a sin against God. Yet it clearly is. It is so easy to get out of the habit of intercessory prayer by getting so bound up with our own needs and worries.

The passage for today ends with Samuel telling the people to ‘consider what great things he has done for you’ (v.24). The people of Israel were continually looking back at all the good things God had done on their behalf. Whatever else is going on in our lives, we too can look back, consider and celebrate creation, the cross and resurrection, our forgiveness, our justification, the gift of the Holy Spirit, the promise of glory and all the other great things he has done for us.

Lord, today I want to look back with thanks and celebrate all the great things you have done for me …"

1. Thank You for an amazing memory to look back and give thanks to all the great things You have done for me.

2. Thank You for surrounding me with good friends.

3. Thank You for good music and great talent!