Wednesday, July 08, 2015

300 Men

"John 5:31-47

Study the examples of HD life

Gideon is listed in the New Testament as an example of someone who lived ‘by faith’ (Hebrews 11:32–33). He, therefore, received a foretaste of this ‘HD’ life.

Gideon knew the Lord, who spoke to him and told him he was going to give him victory over the Midianites (Judges 7:9). Gideon ‘worshipped God’ (v.15) even before he had won the battle. This demonstrated his faith and inspired the others.

As Joyce Meyer writes, ‘Learning to worship God before the battle gets His attention, demonstrates our faith, and inspires us to boldly enter any challenge we face.’

Such was Gideon’s faith that he went into battle with only 300 men – each with a torch in one hand and a trumpet in the other (‘leaving no chance to use swords’, v.20, AMP). Faith and confidence was not in themselves but in God, who gave them a great victory.

Again, I love what Joyce Meyer writes about this, ‘We can learn from them to put all of our confidence and trust in God instead of in our ability to help ourselves. What God has asked you to do may be impossible for you, but it is not impossible for Him.’
Learn from studying the example of Gideon.

Wisdom in dealing with criticism

When ‘the Ephraimites asked Gideon … “Why didn’t you call us when you went to fight Midian?” they criticised him sharply’ (8:1), Gideon dealt with this criticism with great charm and tact. He said to them, ‘What have I accomplished compared to you? … What was I able to do compared to you?’ (vv.2–3a). And we are told, ‘At this, their resentment against him subsided’ (v.3b).

On the whole, people want to be valued for what they do. They want to be included in God’s plans. Criticism may flow from a person who is feeling underused or undervalued. Once the Ephraimites realised that Gideon valued them and rated them highly, their criticism subsided.

Sometimes, I forget the wisdom of this example. I respond to criticism in the wrong way. But I have been struck by how often, if we go to people and say, ‘I need your help’ (in effect, ‘what have I accomplished compared to you?’), we see the same response as Gideon saw: their criticism subsides.

Determination when exhausted 

‘Gideon and his 300 men, exhausted yet keeping up the pursuit …’ (v.4). There are times in life when we feel exhausted. Most often it is wise to stop, rest and get refreshed. But there are some occasions when you just have to keep going. Presumably, Gideon’s strength came from the fact that the Spirit of the Lord had come upon him (6:34).

The life of Gideon is an inspiration. But there is also a warning. After his great victory, he failed to consult God. He thought of a nice idea and went ahead. It turned out to be a disaster. He made a golden ephod that became ‘a snare to Gideon and his family’ (8:27).

Although Gideon, like us all, was a fallible human being, he is listed in Hebrews as one of the great people of faith. Yet, you are better off than Gideon: ‘God had planned something better for us …’ (Hebrews 11:40). You can enjoy an even better life than Gideon. You can enjoy high definition living by faith in Jesus.

Lord, thank you that I can enjoy ‘high definition living’, life in all its fullness, eternal life through faith in Jesus. Please give me wisdom and energy through the power of your Holy Spirit within me."

1. Thank You for always giving that victory and by using fallible human beings as samples that I, too, can trust in You.

2. Thank You for a taste of a fantastic instructor.

3. Thank You for washing machines and good waiting time.