Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Find Rest in Him

"At the start of his influential book, Knowing God, J.I. Packer explores some of the big questions about life and the meaning and purpose of our existence. He writes:

‘What were we made for? To know God.
What aim should we set ourselves in life? To know God.
What is the “eternal life” that Jesus gives? Knowledge of God …
What is the best thing in life, bringing more joy, delight, and contentment, than anything else? Knowledge of God …
What, of all the states God ever sees [us] in, gives Him most pleasure? Knowledge of Himself.’

Psalm 62:1-12

Trust him, at all times

It is easy to trust God when things are going well. David urges, ‘Trust in, lean on, rely on, and have confidence in him at all times (v.8a, AMP). Trusting in God at all times means trusting him not only when things are going well, but also when things are not going so well. We develop character by trusting him when we are facing difficulties in our lives.
Knowing and trusting God leads to:


In the midst of all our fears and anxieties we can find peace. ‘My soul finds rest in God alone …Find rest, O my soul, in God alone’ (vv.1,5)


Salvation comes by faith in God. ‘My salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation … My salvation and my honour depend on God’ (vv.1b–2a,7a)


Everything else in life is uncertain, and ultimately insecure, but God ‘is my fortress, I shall never be shaken … he is my mighty rock, my refuge’ (vv.2b,6b–7b)

Like Jesus, David contrasts the love of God and money. ‘Though your riches increase, do not set your heart on them’ (v.10). When I started practising as a barrister, I wrote this in the margin of my Bible: ‘This is a vital message for me at this time. It was easy in student days not to think about money – but now with money starting to come in I find myself thinking about it more and more, talking about it more and more. The battle is fierce – the pull of the world is so strong. Either you set your heart on God or on money.’ 
Lord, today may my soul find rest in you alone. Thank you that you promise that I will never be shaken. Lord, I trust in you today and I pour out my heart to you."
1. Yes, Lord, have a guard at my heart to look after what is right.

2. Thank You, Lord, for a great night of half-priced pizza and chat.

3. Hallelujah for great stories from people's experiences.