"You can finish well. You may have had a bad start in life. You may have messed up along the way. You may have made mistakes. You may have regrets. But you can finish well and that is what matters most.
Some start well but fall. In the recession, many of the companies that Jim Collins had profiled in his international bestseller Good to Great fell. He argued that the fall of the previously great companies did not negate the principles of the earlier books. However, it showed us that even the ‘mightiest’ of companies can fall.
In his most recent book, How the Mighty Fall, he examines the path towards doom. The first stage of the process begins with ‘hubris born of success’. As with Saul in the Old Testament passage for today, it is arrogance that begins the process by which the mighty fall.
It is more important to finish well than to start well. In the New Testament, Saul (of Tarsus) started off very badly (he was a persecutor of Jesus and was complicit in murder), but he finished well (as the great apostle, Paul). On the other hand, as we see in today’s Old Testament passage, Saul (king of Israel) started very well but did not finish well.
Jesus, as always, shows us the way. His life was relatively short. He died in his early thirties, yet he finished well. He prays to the Father, ‘I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do’ (John 17:4).
This is my ambition in life. I want to complete the work God has given me to do. How can we all make sure we finish well?"
1. Yes, Lord. Cleanse and guard my heart while I am in this world. Thank You for such great examples of real people who have finished well.
2. Thank You for Your provision that I was able to do my tasks in spite of respiratory weakness. Thank You for Your grace always.
3. Thank You for awesome Vietnamese food, I could not get enough. :)