Sunday, April 19, 2015

Timezone Change

"The famous philosopher Diogenes once looked intently at a large collection of human bones piled one on another. Alexander the Great stood nearby and became curious about what Diogenes was doing. When he asked, the philosopher replied, "I am searching for the bones of your father, but I cannot seem to distinguish them from those of the slaves." Alexander got the point that all are equal in death.

Jesus taught us there is another place where all men are equal, and that is before the throne of God. In His parable of the two men coming to pray, the Pharisee went away not justified because of pride in his heart (Luke 18:13-14). The publican returned to his house forgiven because he admitted his sin and asked God's mercy. The point of the story is twofold; first, man receives nothing from God when he comes filled with pride, and second, all men can receive forgiveness from God when they come in simplicity, sincerity, and humility.

God's Word lets us know God is no respecter of persons. We might be impressed with the veneer of a man, but God treats all who come to Him with the same mercy and acceptance. Whether we be a prince or a pauper, a clergyman or a clerk, we still receive the same grace from the hand of our Master."

1. This is it! The day I have changed time zones. The day I have said "until then" to family and friends. But it is about You, not about me. Thank You.

2. Thank You for a very warm welcome and an amazing, cozy, hotel-like room!

3. Hallelujah to very friendly and really accommodating locals!