Monday, July 27, 2015

Rushing Into Rash Decisions

"John 13:18-38

Love like God

There are times in our lives when we may feel outnumbered by problems – illness, temptation, attacks on our faith and so on – but God is able to save us, if he acts on our behalf. However much we seem to be outnumbered by our enemies, if the Lord acts on our behalf we will be saved.

We need to trust God not just when things are going well, but also in the difficult times. God is looking for men and women of faith.

Samuel said, ‘The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people’ (13:14).

God’s heart is full of love, compassion, mercy, justice and creativity. He is looking for people who are like him – like Jesus. Only the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts can make us like Jesus.

Saul failed. God had told Saul to wait until Samuel arrived. When Samuel was delayed, the people became restless. Saul cared more about what the people thought than what God thought. He became impatient and panicked (vv.6–12), just as we so often do. We need to learn to be more patient – to wait for God to act – and not panic if little things go wrong, such as Samuel being late. We must not rush into rash decisions in the heat of the moment.

Jonathan, on the other hand, trusted ultimately in God’s love. He said ‘Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few’ (14:6).

Lord, please give me a heart like yours – a heart of love. Help me to trust in your unfailing love. Thank you that your love is poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to me (Romans 5:5). Lord, please pour your love into my heart today."

1. Thank You for saving me despite my struggles. Come Holy Spirit.

2. Thank You Lord for home time. Thank You for weaknesses that I may realize my body needs rest too.

3. Thank You for being my strength, in everything.