Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Know, Worship, and Honour

"Psalm 57:7-11
1. Know that you are loved

God uses us because he loves us. David says, ‘For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies’ (v.10). This is where it all starts – knowing that you are loved by God.

Lord, thank you for your great love for me that reaches to the heavens and for your faithfulness that reaches to the skies. Thank you for your amazing grace and for the way you graciously use weak human beings.

2. Worship the Lord whatever

God is looking for worshippers. David says, ‘My heart is steadfast, O God ... I will sing and make music ... I will praise you, O Lord’ (vv.7–9). Our response to the experience of God’s love is to worship him with every gift that we have – not just privately but also in public (v.9) – not just when we feel like it but ‘steadfastly’ – in difficult times as well.

Lord, thank you that my usefulness to you stems from my relationship with you. May worship be at the heart of everything I do.

3. Honour God in your life

God honours those who honour him. David writes, ‘Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth’ (v.11). This is David’s ultimate desire. It is the same desire that is expressed in the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, ‘hallowed be your name’ (Matthew 6:9).

Lord, I pray today that your name will be honoured through everything I do and say."

1. Thank You when you use me even when I am weak. May I worship You more and more even in difficult times.

2. Praise God for visiting friends. :)

3. Thank You, Lord, for a prospect replacement. I pray that it will be in Your favor.