Sunday, October 18, 2015

Not By My Own Strength

"Acts 12:19b-13:12

Pursuit of God’s cause

Ultimately, nothing can stop God’s cause.

Herod had success, popularity, power and great wealth. The people flattered him and shouted, ‘This is the voice of a god, not of a mere mortal’ (12:22). However, ‘That was the last straw. God had had enough of Herod’s arrogance and sent an angel to strike him down. Herod had given God no credit for anything. Down he went. Rotten to the core, a maggoty old man if there ever was one, he died’ (v.23, MSG).

This is contrasted with the word of God which, unlike Herod’s life, does not end: ‘But the word of God continued to increase and spread’ (v.24) – it grew in ‘leaps and bounds’ (v.24, MSG).

We see a similar situation in the final part of our passage, as God’s cause flourishes despite opposition once more. Saul (‘who was also called Paul’ (v.9)) and Barnabas were confronted by a charlatan called Bar-Jesus who was ‘as crooked as a corkscrew’ (v.7, MSG). He tried to stop the proconsul becoming a Christian.

Paul, ‘full of the Holy Spirit and looking him straight in the eye’ (v.9, MSG), confronted him with his ‘schemes to cheat people out of God’ (v.10, MSG). Bar-Jesus was struck blind, and the Proconsul ‘became a believer, full of enthusiasm over what they were saying about the Master’ (v.12, MSG). Bar-Jesus’ attempts to thwart God actually achieve precisely the opposite to what he had hoped.

The early Christians were determined to find out what God was doing and join in. They gathered together to worship the Lord and fast (13:2). While they were doing this, the Holy Spirit spoke to them, ‘ “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off’ (vv.2–3).

Barnabas and Paul did not go off on their own initiative. Rather they were ‘sent on their way by the Holy Spirit’ (v.4). They were pursuing his cause. They ‘proclaimed the word of God’ (v.5). They were ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’ (v.9). Even the proconsul, an intelligent man (v.7), was amazed at Paul’s teaching ‘about the Lord’ (v.12). It is so important that you seek God’s guidance and help – in your ministry and in your life. With God on your side you can achieve so much more than you could ever dream of in your own strength.

Lord, I do not want to go off and do my own thing. I want to hear your voice. Please speak to me by your Holy Spirit. Help me to know what you are calling me to do. I want to proclaim the word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit and pursue your cause with passion."

1. Yes, Lord, I don't want to go off and do my own thing. Thank You for providing guidance and may I listen to You always.

2. Thank You for letting me be a part of an amazingly, unforgettable wedding event.

3. Thank You for the love that You give to all of us. Thank You for wonderful memories.

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