Monday, October 19, 2015

True Leadership

"1 Kings 3:16-5:18

Purpose in God’s cause

Solomon was called to serve the cause of God in a special way.

David had served God’s purpose in his own generation (Acts 13:36). However, he was not allowed to build the temple. God gave that calling to Solomon: ‘Your son whom I will put on the throne in your place will build the temple for my Name’ (1 Kings 5:5).

Solomon needed great wisdom in order to fulfil his calling. He had prayed for wisdom. God answered his prayer more than he could ever have asked or imagined. God promises to give you the same kind of wisdom if you ask for it (‘If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you’ (James 1:5)). You too can ask for wisdom in all these areas:

Wisdom in decision making

God gave him wisdom to administer ‘justice’ (3:28). We see an example of this in his dealing with the dispute over a baby. He is given the impossible task of deciding to which mother the baby belongs. In this desperate situation he comes up with an ingenious idea.
The threat of the death of the surviving baby is enough to reveal who the true mother really is. ‘When all Israel heard the verdict the king had given, they held the king in awe, because they saw that he had wisdom from God to administer justice’ (v.28).

Wisdom in choosing a team

Solomon gathered around him a leadership team for his government. This included priests, managers, friends, secretaries, historians and the commander of his army. There were eleven in all, making a team of twelve. It is a similar size to Jesus’ core team (the twelve disciples). It seems to be about the right size for a leadership team.

Wisdom in delegation

In addition to this, Solomon had another team of twelve regional managers distributed through Israel. This included two of his own sons-in-law (vv.11,15). He knew that delegation was absolutely key to avoiding burnout and carrying out his leadership role.

Wisdom in peacemaking

Under his leadership there was so much growth that the people became ‘densely populated’ (v.20a, MSG). Nevertheless, ‘All their needs were met; they ate and drank and were happy’ (v.20b, MSG) and they ‘had peace on all sides ... [they] lived in safety’ (vv.24–25). As George Washington said, ‘Cultivate peace and harmony with all.’

Wisdom in insight and discernment

Then we are told, ‘God gave Solomon wisdom and very great insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore (v.29) … his fame spread (v.31) … He spoke three thousand proverbs and his songs numbered a thousand and five’ (v.32). Psalm 72 and 127, Proverbs 10:1–22:16; 25:1–29:27 are attributed to him. People from all nations came to listen to his wisdom (1 Kings 4:34).

Solomon had the wisdom to know when to accept help from those who were not part of the people of God (chapter 5). ‘The Lord gave Solomon wisdom, just as he had promised him’ (5:12).

Wisdom in pursuing God’s cause

Solomon had the vision to build the temple in order to see God’s name honoured (vv.4–5). One of the ways in which you can pursue God’s cause today is by seeking to see the church (the new temple) built up in order to bring honour to God’s name.

Lord, please give us wisdom in order to fulfil our calling. Help us bring honour to your name and advance the cause of Jesus on earth."

1. Thank You God that we can be crazy and enjoy the moment and life that You have given.

2. Thank You for Your continuous protection for us from harm.

3. Thank You indeed for simple joys like playing fun card games.

4. Thank You for another great bonding times with my second family. :)

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