Saturday, October 17, 2015

Defend Thy Cause

"At a recent Alpha Conference, someone handed me a scrap of paper with a note describing what had happened to her friend:

‘Sue (who was not a Christian) was attending a rehab clinic for people with severe respiratory problems. She had a chronic condition (COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) that was getting progressively worse. The clinic meets at our church building. She arrived for her clinic, but there was no one there (she had got the wrong date!). She waited around and had a look through flyers on our next Alpha.

‘Sue turned up for our course on Wednesday evening. She soaked it all up and was full of excitement and interest. She came to church on the Sunday and was back again on the Wednesday. It suddenly clicked for Sue that Jesus is God! A huge piece of the jigsaw for her. She gave her life to the Lord – dramatic. She called her sister to tell her she had become a Christian and her sister was in the middle of a meeting with a friend to pray for Sue! She had been praying for her for twenty-five years!

‘The following Sunday – Sue came to church, came forward for prayer for healing and was remarkably healed of her COPD. [She has been] running up and down stairs at home, off her medications, etc! She met with her physio at the medical clinic who was astonished at what had happened to her – remarkable difference. She has been healed and has since prayed for and seen others healed, including one of cancer! 

‘On 30 April Sue was baptised and brought over 150 friends and family to celebrate with her. She is having a huge impact on people – evangelising to anyone that will stand still long enough to listen!’

John Wimber often used to say that we need three conversions: to be converted to Christ, converted to his church and converted to his cause. Sue was obviously not only converted to Christ, but also instantly converted to his cause!

Psalm 74:18-23

Passion for God’s cause

The psalmist is passionate about God’s cause. He sees, as we see today, people mocking (v.18a) and even reviling God (v.18b). He cries out to God, ‘Don’t forget us. Remember your promises’ (vv.19b–20a, MSG).

It can be easy to become down-hearted when we see people attacking God’s cause. The psalmist shows us the best way to respond – passionate prayer. He brings his frustrations to God; ‘Rise up, O God, and defend your cause; remember how fools mock you all day long. Do not ignore the clamour of your adversaries, the uproar of your enemies, which rises continually’ (vv.22–23).

Lord, as we look around at our society today we see many who mock and revile your name. Rise up, O God, and defend your cause. Thank you that it is your cause we serve. May your name be glorified. May your kingdom come."

1. Thank You that I can come to you anytime through prayer.

2. Praise God for a safe flight to Da Nang and for Your protection.

3. Hallelujah for travel opportunities. Thank You for the chance to see the beauty and coolness of Da Nang and for the history depicted by Hoi An.

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