Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Praying and Obeying

"In February 2009 we did an Alpha Conference at the largest church in the world. Eleven thousand people came to Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea. The church has seven services each Sunday and many satellite services. The huge venue and multiple services cannot accommodate the whole congregation, which now numbers over 800,000.

Dr Paul Yonggi Cho was converted from Buddhism as a young man. He started Yoido Church fifty years ago and it has seen phenomenal growth. He was once asked, ‘Dr Cho, how did you build such a great church?’ Without a moment’s hesitation, he replied: ‘I pray and I obey.’ In his book, The Fourth Dimension, Dr Cho describes a life of praying and obeying – the world of answered prayer, dynamic faith and true communion with God. 

Proverbs 15:1-10

Pray and bless

The writer of Proverbs contrasts ‘the wicked’ with those who pray and obey: ‘The lives of God-loyal people flourish ... he delights in genuine prayers. A life frittered away disgusts God; he loves those who run straight for the finish line’ (vv.6a,8b,9, MSG). If we live like this we will bring great blessing to others.

One important aspect of this is what we say. Our words can transform lives. Whereas ‘cutting words wound and maim’, ‘kind words heal and help’ (v.4, MSG). Even when others are angry towards us we are reminded that ‘a gentle response defuses anger’ (v.1a, MSG). We are called to use our words to heal, help and encourage others.

Thank you, Lord, that the prayer of the upright pleases you and that you love those who pursue righteousness. Help me to pray and use my words to bring blessing to others."

1. Thank You that I can choose to give a gentle response even when others are angry.

2. Thank You for funny experiences in life.

3. Another exam done, thank You for the ability to retain information.

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