Tuesday, October 13, 2015

His Sovereignty

"1 Kings 1-2:12

The anointing of God

Solomon was God’s anointed successor for David. Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anointed him king over Israel (1:34).

Adonijah made the mistake of trying to set himself up as king without reference to God. ‘He put himself forward and said, “I will be king” ’ (v.5). It is a foolish thing to ignore God, and in this case it actually meant opposing God’s plans for Solomon. He did not succeed.

David gave this charge to his anointed successor: ‘I’m about to go the way of all the earth, but you – be strong; show what you’re made of! Do what God tells you. Walk in the paths he shows you: Follow the life-map absolutely, keep an eye out for the signposts, his course for life set out in the revelation to Moses; then you’ll get on well in whatever you do and wherever you go’ (2:2–3, MSG).

David’s words are a great reminder to us. God’s anointing of all believers with the Holy Spirit does not negate our need to obey God’s word. Obedience of God’s word (v.3a) must accompany God’s anointing (v.3b). We are given the Spirit of God to empower us to obey the Word of God.

Neither David, nor Solomon, nor any other king of Israel, was able to keep God’s decrees and commands perfectly. It is only Jesus, the final Davidic King, who is the fully obedient, eternal, anointed King. He is the one who does ‘walk faithfully before [God] ... with all [his] heart and soul’ (v.4).

The book of Kings is, as Eugene Peterson puts it, ‘a relentless exposition of failure’. Yet God continues to work out his sovereign purposes – often silently and hidden. God’s sovereignty is never cancelled out even by deeply sin-flawed leaders (‘kings’). This means that you can trust his sovereignty in your life, your church and your culture.

Lord, help me to follow Jesus, whom God anointed with the Holy Spirit and power. As I face ‘opposition and enemies’ I need the power and anointing of your Holy Spirit. Help me never to find myself in the position of opposing God. Help me to be strong and to walk in your ways and to walk faithfully before you with all my heart and soul (v.4)."

1. Thank You for giving Jesus to me. Thank You.

2. Thank You that You are the architect of my life. 

3. Thank You for the energy to do my reviews.

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