Friday, October 23, 2015

"Come, Holy Spirit"

"Spending time in the presence of God is the most important activity of our lives. We need God’s presence in our lives more than we need anything else. But where do we find the presence of God?

I remember so well the first time I heard someone pray one of the most ancient prayers of the church, ‘Come, Holy Spirit’, with a real expectation that the Holy Spirit would come! It was on a Sunday night in 1982. We had a meeting in the crypt after our evening service at HTB. As we prayed, ‘Come, Holy Spirit’ we saw remarkable events occur. 

God is always present with his people today by his Holy Spirit. When we pray, ‘Come, Holy Spirit,’ we are asking for an increased sense of the presence of God. There are times in the New Testament when the Holy Spirit filled a gathering of people sovereignly and spontaneously (Acts 2:2; Acts 10:44). There are other times when the disciples prayed for the Holy Spirit: ‘After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit’ (Acts 4:31).

In the Old Testament passage for today we read how ‘the glory of the Lord filled his temple’ (1 Kings 8:11). Each of the passages for today tells us something about how to enjoy God’s empowering presence that comes through the Holy Spirit.

Psalm 76:1-12

Longing for God’s empowering presence

The temple in Jerusalem was not primarily a place of sacrifice, but the place of God’s presence. The psalmist writes, ‘In Judah God is known; his name is great in Israel. His tent is in Salem, his dwelling-place in Zion’ (vv.1–2). ‘Salem’ is the old Jebusite name for Jerusalem. ‘Zion’ is a word often used to refer to Jerusalem as the focal point of God’s presence (v.7, AMP), amongst his people in the Old Testament. This is the place of his tent (‘abode’, RSV). This is where God dwells.

This is why the people of God were so passionate about Jerusalem, and in particular the temple. They longed, as we all do deep inside, for the presence of God. The amazing truth is that, through Jesus, we can know the presence of God in and among us, his people, wherever we are. He dwells in us by his Spirit.

Lord, I long for your presence with me. Thank you that your dwelling place is with your people. Please fill us again today with your Holy Spirit and make your name great among us."

1. Thank You for Your presence even if at times I am stubborn or hard-headed. Thank You.

2. Thank You for the idea of discovery and adventure when it comes to food. It is one of those ways of understanding the culture.

3. Thank You for giving girl friends who give comfort and laughter.

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