Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What It Means to be Disloyal

"Acts 5:12-42

Loyalty to each other in our hearts

Loyalty is such an attractive characteristic in a person. Disloyalty is subversive and betrays trust. Disloyalty can undermine the leadership in a church, business or even a nation.

In David’s case, disloyalty came from his own son. This must have been so painful for him. David loved Absalom; ‘the king’s heart longed for Absalom’ (14:1). God speaks to David through the wise woman from Tekoa. As a result David says, ‘Go, bring back the young man Absalom’ (v.21). When he returned ‘the king kissed Absalom’ (v.33). David gave him another opportunity to be a loyal son.

Tragically, David’s love and loyalty to Absalom were not returned. We see here a powerful description of how disloyalty works.

There are always opportunities for disloyalty. In any situation – whether for example in the government, workplace or the church – there are bound to be those who complain (15:2). If you are a loyal person you will help to deal with these complaints and attempt to diffuse them.

Absalom failed the loyalty test. He would say to the complainers,

‘ “Look, you’ve got a strong case; but the king isn’t going to listen to you.” Then he’d say, “Why doesn’t someone make me a judge for this country? Anybody with a case could bring it to me and I’d settle things fair and square.” ’ (vv.3–4, MSG).

Of course, this is absolute nonsense. But it is easy to make promises of this kind. The disloyal person says, ‘If only I were in charge everything would be so much better’. In this way Absalom ‘stole the hearts of the people of Israel’ (v.6). Disloyalty begins in our hearts and in our thinking. So does loyalty. Guard your heart and your thinking and do not allow your heart to be stolen.

Those who are feeling discontented in any situation always look for a rallying point. They look for someone among the leadership team whom they can rally around. If the entire leadership team remains faithful, the discontents will be unsuccessful. However, here they found a rallying point around Absalom and ‘the conspiracy gained strength, and Absalom’s following kept on increasing’ (v.12).

Lord, help us to stay loyal to our leaders – to our national leaders and governments, parents, church leaders and bosses. Lord, guard our hearts, keep us loyal to you and to one another. May loyalty, love and faithfulness always be characteristics of our community."

1. Thank You for Your corrections especially in the way we think and act. Thank You for Your unending grace.

2. Thank You likewise for continuous journey of food discovery and exploration.

3. Thank You for showering me with understanding and patience in everything. May You continue to bless me with these as I need them in my daily life.

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