Friday, September 11, 2015

We are Anointed Ones

"Do you ever feel too weak or inadequate to be used by God? 

A teenager from Cumbria in Northern England felt God calling him. He was poorly educated and ineloquent, and faced significant opposition throughout his ministry from those who felt that he wasn’t up to the task. Even as an old man he still admitted that, ‘Today I still blush and fear more than anything to have my lack of learning brought out into the open.’

Yet despite all his disadvantages he remained convinced that God had called and anointed him as an evangelist. He wrote, ‘We are a letter of Christ for salvation even to the back of beyond – and what does it matter if it is not a learned letter? For it is still to be found valid and plain for all to read, written in your very hearts, not in ink but by the Spirit of the living God!’

Today his more eloquent contemporaries have long been forgotten, but the impact of Patrick’s ministry and mission to Ireland is recognised around the world.

St Patrick knew that God had called and anointed him, despite his weaknesses. As we read the history of David’s life we find a similar mix of weakness and anointing. As he takes up the throne of Israel, David says, ‘Though I am the anointed king, I am weak’ (2 Samuel 3:39). In spite of weakness, God used him in extraordinary ways. He was God’s anointed (5:3).

However weak you may feel, you too can be anointed by God.

Psalm 69:13-28

Anointed in times of trouble

Are you going through a time of trouble? David was in a time of deep trouble in his life. He felt like he was in a ‘swamp’, a ‘Black Hole’, a ‘deathtrap’. He says that he is ‘flat on my face, reduced to a nothing’ (vv.15–20, MSG).

David, the anointed leader of Israel (2 Samuel 5:3), was a man of prayer. Many of the psalms are attributed to him. In this psalm we see an example of his honest, raw and intimate prayers.

Even if you are in a position of great weakness:

Know God’s great love for you

He prays, ‘In your great love, O God, answer me’ (Psalm 69:13). ‘Answer me, O Lord, out of the goodness of your love; in your great mercy turn to me’ (v.16).

Cry out to God in your heart

Be honest with God. Tell him what you are really feeling. ‘Rescue me from the mire, do not let me sink’ (v.14). ‘Do not hide your face from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in trouble’ (v.17).
Lord, thank you that I can pray to you in times of trouble. Thank you for your great love and mercy. Thank you that as I look back I can see the many ways in which you have answered me when I have been in trouble. Lord, today I cry to you for help with …"
1. Truly, thank You that I can run to You no matter what. You are my backbone, my only reliable support that I can trust. Thank You.

2. Only by grace that I have patience. Thank You, Lord, for never abandoning me. I always ask that You continue to be in my heart to guide me in every decision that I make.

3. Today is my company's 27th birthday. Thank You for being a part of this new culture in spite some challenges that I had faced when I started. Trotzdem, thank You for all Your blessings.

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