Monday, September 28, 2015

Enquire of the Lord

"2 Samuel 16:15-18:18

Providence and protection

You can trust God with your future, your family, your church and your nation. The whole universe is in his hands and he is working his purposes out.

Again, in this passage we see God’s providential hand in history. He is at work through all the human events that are described here.

The advice Ahithophel gave ‘was like that of one who enquires of God’ (16:23). If we are to give advice of any value we have to be people who enquire of the Lord, who enquire in advance what God is doing and what his will is.

If Absalom had followed Ahithophel’s advice, it would have been disastrous for David. Instead, Absalom chose to ignore Ahithophel’s wise advice and follow the bad advice of Hushai.

We see in the passage what God was doing in this situation. God’s providential care and protection was around David: ‘For the Lord had determined to frustrate the good advice of Ahithophel’ (17:14). This was an answer to the spirit of David’s prayer.

Here we see that God is the hidden hand and ruler of history. David and all the other people involved in the drama have enormous power and freedom to act. But they are not free to act as though the Lord was not there.

Thank you, Lord, that you are in charge of human history. You reign and rule over this universe. Thank you that in all things you work for the good of those who love you and who have been called according to your purpose (Romans 8:28)."

1. Thank You that You have control over everything. You know what is best.

2. Thank you for the opportunity of training and for more technical knowledge to take in.

3. Thank you for continued networking from the class.

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