Saturday, November 08, 2014

Unending Blessings

You never stop giving blessings, O, Lord.

1. Preaching today emphasized on not storing earthly treasures, surrender, and come to Jesus for rest. Thank you, Lord, for an awesome message. I want this kind of rest that you give. I have learnt today that we do something in this world, not because we are obliged to do it, but because we want to do it out of love. Amen!

2. In the dance space today, it is a productive day as we have almost finalized everything and people have been very cooperative. You have only allowed these things to happen. 

3. The charity that invited us to perform has provided budget for costumes. This was not even in the original plan but it is a blessing for them to sponsor that and I am grateful. I want to have a contented heart.

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