Saturday, June 24, 2006


My dream is to be a part of an outreach program someday. Or to become a teacher of my profession probably when I am older. I think these give me more fulfillment when you see many faces smile because you have helped.
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Motherly Love

A mother's love blossoms as she takes care of her young while they grow to become just like her. It is our mom who can always listen and understand as we go through our pains and happiness. She is the one person who stays no matter what happens. Posted by Picasa

Staring into space

Most often, we are too busy with work, with worries, and with plans that we fail to appreciate the little blessings God has for us every single day. Save a time to be away from the world and just be alone to enjoy nature, be with the people who mean a lot to us, and with those who truly love us. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Where the countdown begins

Times Square, NY. Just Times Square. Prudential Financial, the client, flashing at the very top. Posted by Picasa

Have fun...relax...

Have a break...make time for yourself and enjoy the nature and the little things around you. Destress. Keep Balance. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Oh no my fries!

"I left my food for a while...and now, it's gone. I cannot scare them away because they're big."

So tell me, how many birds are having a fiesta over the child's french fries? Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 16, 2006

Up where you are

It takes a second to look up and give thanks. Everyday is a blessing no matter what happens. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Six Flags

I asked why it was named Six Flags. The park took its name from the six flags that have flown over the state of Texas during its history (Spain, France, Mexico, the Republic of Texas, the United States of America and the Confederate States of America). And here's a trivia: On June 16 of 1884, the first roller coaster begins operating. Posted by Picasa

Two Sides

When there are two sides of a coin, always focus on the brighter side. There will be always something that is good from anything. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Tiny hyper-hero

Just for a while, I felt like I was one of them. This is the 2nd day of my 2nd weekend and I barely had 2 hours of sleep the night before. Thus, trying hard to be hyper. Posted by Picasa

Life is colorful when...

you know you are enjoying what you do, that is, your job is a hobby for you. Most importantly, you are surrounded by the people who truly, deeply love you. Posted by Picasa


Outside of Africa, this is the giraffe in the largest Safari theme park in US. So friendly eh? Or always hungry? Posted by Picasa


This is the Kingda Ka ride in Six Flags. Dare? Posted by Picasa

Sunny Disposition

This just proves I like taking flower photos. Posted by Picasa

One with nature

If given the cash to spend and the luxury of time, I would love to travel and be one with nature. Posted by Picasa

Wishful Thinking

Just so blessed to be beside these Niagara falls during my stay in NJ. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Take care of your heart

Don't be lazy to walk. Eat your vegetables. Have some oatmeal. Posted by Picasa

From A Distance...

Some things are better seen and understood from a distance because when you are involved, you may not see the bigger picture. Posted by Picasa

Don't burn bridges

Looking at the past will always be a part of our memories, thus, it is best not to burn bridges so we'll always be glad to remember them. Posted by Picasa

See what's inside...

...because that is what matters in the end. Posted by Picasa

Open up

Don't carry unnecessary baggage with you, let it up...and be free. Posted by Picasa